Bite Me by C.C. Wood is the first book in her Bitten series. This is a paranormal book that takes on vampires in a completely unique and witty way. C.C. Wood has not created a twisted or dystopian new world. Rather, she has vampires living secretly amongst the humans. They can be your employer, your neighbour, the person you serve at a restaurant. Instead of having to focus on world building for the better part of the book, this author concentrated her attention on writing a character driven novel. Yes, some turmoil does occur which will have your heart racing and there is this whole vampire hierarchy and their rules to figure out; but, what drives this story was the relationship between the two main characters. To be completely frank, I did struggle with this book at the beginning but I kept reading and found that I soon became engrossed in Connor and Donna. I ended up really enjoying the slow build.
Donna Perry is a feisty, snarky and independent woman who doesn’t exactly lead the perfect life. She was forced from her position as an advertising executive and is now working as a cocktail waitress at a local bar and living in a small apartment. This is definitely a step down from her previous high-paying job and high-end apartment. She eyes a handsome stranger sitting in a corner booth one night while she is working. The mysterious man soon disappears and Donna is left continuing on with the remainder of her shift for the evening. What she does not expect is said enigmatic man to be her savior later on that night, saving her from an attack.
Connor Savage is a sexy and broody vampire who has been around a few centuries. Added to the hot and pensive persona he is rocking is the fact that he has a Scottish accent.
Um...well....hello Mr. Savage!!!!
Connor spies a beautiful waitress one night while at a bar. Later that night he ends up being her white night and saving her from a brutal attack. He feels an instant connection with Donna and hiding the fact he is a vampire is not something he wants to do. Having lived a long life already, Connor is sort of accustomed to getting what he wants and what he wants is Donna. So Mr. Predator pursues his female prey.
Having to face the undeniable evidence that vampires exist in her world is something Donna is not prepared to do so she denies the sizzling chemistry that she feels with Connor. But, being a woman with a neglected libido makes Connor a hard man to ignore. Donna soon agrees to go out on a date with him despite being unsure as to whether he really is a vampire or a nut-case. When Donna and Connor share their first kiss she wholeheartedly jumps on the Team Vampire bandwagon. Who gives a shit if Connor is a vampire when he kisses her like that????
Connor and Donna begin to get to know one another on a more personal level and while doing so he hilariously deflates all of her misguided knowledge about vampires. Who knew that all the romance novels she has read and movies she has seen were all wrong? Donna’s stubborn and independent tendencies make things interesting for Connor. He has always enjoyed the chase and is hell bent on showing Donna how animalistic he can truly be. Right from their initial meeting, Connor knows that Donna is the one for him, the one woman who has given him back some of the humanity that he has lost over the years.
A jealous and delusion female vampire, a psychotic ex-boss and some major danger all force Connor and Donna to move their relationship forward at a faster rate than Donna is prepared for. With this being said, when Donna truly examines her heart she readily admits that Connor is her missing piece. The sexy vampire has definitely sunken his teeth into her – figuratively and metaphorically. Further, how can Donna deny wanting Connor when his bite brings on pure erotic pleasure and he safely protects her in the cocoon of his arms? Donna and Connor want forever together and now they just have to stop the ones that want to keep them apart.
C.C. Wood provides her reader with some hot and steamy scenes when necessary. I really enjoyed how there was a great mix of sexiness and fun. Donna was not one to take things very seriously and this was definitely brought into the bedroom. She provided the perfect balance to Connor’s intense ways. I loved that!
All in all, Bite Me was a great vampy read. My reason for the four star rating is due to the fact that some things did not add up. For example, it was never explained why Connor was outside of the bar when Donna was attacked. I would have also liked to have more of a history on Connor to get to know him better. With all this being said, this book was definitely a fun paranormal page-turner. C.C. Wood has written a book with a great mix of hilarious banter, suspense, erotic steaminess, and a wonderful romance that left me smiling happily. I will be anxiously awaiting the next book in the series which will be about Alexander, a vampire who has existed for centuries, and Ivie, one of Donna’s best friends. Ms. Wood sets up the next book beautifully and I am excited to see where she takes this series. Plus, I am already half in love with Alexander.
“Enjoy yourself tonight, Ivie,” he murmured though she couldn’t hear him, “because tomorrow the hunt begins.”
Bring it, C.C. Wood. I am ready for Alexander!!!