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Willing Captive - Review

Willing Captive - Belle Aurora



Like when you love something so much that your heart is bursting.

Yes, I loved it that much.

Belle Aurora...


My darling author....you sure did deliver with this one!

Belle Aurora has delivered once again with a witty, hilarious and clever romantic comedy that not only had me laughing out loud but had me crying with my heart clenching tightly. I have come to expect funny and heartfelt books from this author and Willing Captive is yet another reason why I am forever a screaming fan girl with pom-poms.



Delilah Flynn (a.k.a. Lily) is a twenty-two year old who has lived a life extremely sheltered by her over-protective father. She is somewhat an involuntary recluse who really has no life outside of working for her father’s successful company. Her only escape is books. Truly, she is my kind of girl. Not the hermit part, but definitely the book part! Lily’s life is forever changed when one evening she is kidnapped from her home, blindfolded, and taken to an unknown location away from her family.

While Lily is in “captivity” she finds herself having a love-hate relationship with one of her captors named Nox. Nox is the man in charge and he is a broody, stoic, standoffish and sexy as hell. He is there to do a job and Lily and her feisty antics are not making it easy for him. As Lily and Nox spend more and more time together, a relationship begins to form which soon has both of them unable to deny their deep connection. I am not going to say much more than this with respect to the storyline as I truly believe that you must read this book without any spoilers.



Lily and Nox were a perfect compliment to one another. Lily has not experienced much in her life leaving her very much an innocent. With this being said, she is no push-over and often went head-to-head with Nox. Both Lily and Nox are an explosive jumble when Lily’s light is paired with Nox’s dark and moody. I think at the beginning Nox wanted to strangle Lily more than anything else. It was fun watching Lily slowly worm her way into his hardened heart. The more Lily and Nox further their relationship, the more we got to watch Lily blossom into an assertive young woman who wanted to take charge of the sad and lonely life she was living prior to being kidnapped. It was a beautiful journey to watch.

All in all, Willing Captive is a fantastically funny and heart-warming book. The last part of the book had me weeping and I literally felt the emotions pouring off the pages. Belle Aurora has provided her readers with a wonderfully written story where she has taken what perhaps is a dark plot and stamped it with sunshine and butterflies. Her signature humor is there and we also get some epic banter between the characters. What this what I was expecting from Ms. Aurora. Hell yes! And, it was awesome! If you have yet to read a Belle Aurora book first you need to get on that….like now. Second, you need to realize that this is most definitely not a dark romance. What you get is a beautifully crafted book that will put a smile on your face and leave your heart absolutely full!
