Knight and Play by Kitty French was hot. H.O.T.
*fans self*
*cold shower*
You get the idea!
Let me start by giving you my Lucien Knight....
Yes, I will not blame you if you stop right here and simply stare for an indeterminate amount of time. Sigh!
Seriously peeps, Lucien Knight, in my mind, and I have an active imagination, is freakin fantastic! Holy yumminess!
Moving on with some form of coherent thoughts.....
Lucien Knight, founder of Knight Inc. (an adult entertainment company) finds himself reading a resume that has been sealed with a kiss. He is looking for a new PA and this resume has just moved to the top of his pile for interviewees. He interviews and hires Sophie Black who is looking for a new job to get out of the boring job that she currently has and wants to spice up her mediocre life. Right from the start, Sophie's innocence and beauty intrigues Lucien. She ends up surprising him during the interview process and is hired. Needless to say, this is just the beginning of some serious chemistry and panty-melting hotness.
Lucien ends up looking into Sophie and discovers that her husband has been having a long-standing affair with another woman, something that Sophie herself suspects but is not ready to admit and face. Demons in Lucien's past are awakened and he is determined to help Sophie. He wants to show Sophie that she needs to be strong, that she is beautiful and that she needs to stand up to her ass-wipe of a cheating husband. How does Lucien intend to do this? With copious amounts of mouth-dropping sex, of course. Oh yes! Alas, so begins Lucien's seduction and Sophie's departure into a world that she never dreamed existed.
I went into this book knowing that there would be an abundance of sexy smexy scenes. And....holy mother....there were! My vagina was on fire! Too much information? Sorry! Despite all the sex going on between Lucien and Sophie, as the story unravels, we discover that there is more to Lucien than meets the eye. He is carrying his own demons from his past which are leading him into this knight in shining armour role. However, is Lucien truly a knight? Further, Sophie's journey of self-discovery and awakening is actually quite beautiful. Lucien helps her to realize what she is actually missing in her life, what she has long been ignoring and too scared to face. Sophie has become a victim. She has long suspected that her husband has been cheating on her but she has done nothing about this. Lucien comes into her life and she enters into her own affair. Hypocritical...definitely. Right or wrong? That is for you to decide.
The ending left me wanting to call up Kitty French and scream, either that or punch her. Since Ms. French will likely not appreciate either one of those scenarios, I will wallow in despair for more on my own. Knight and Play ends in a way that I was definitely not expecting. However, it's spectacular and it will leave you wanting so much more. I am certain that book 2 will be crazy good and I absolutely have no idea where the author will take this storyline. I'm excited and am anxiously anticipating the next book.
Some of my favourite lines:
Some time just after one and somewhere inbetween awake and sleep, Sophie moved beneath him again. Tangled limbs. Entwined fingers. Damp cheeks. Bruised hearts.
He had a way of looking at her that made her feel all woman, and Sophie could feel herself she liked it.
"You have no idea how many ways I'm going to make you come."
Lucien was dangerous enough when he was being his usual cocky self, but like this? Perceptive and raw? He was lethal.
"I know enough. I know you've felt more alive in the last couple of days than you have for a long time. You were on pilot light when you came to me. Now...." he shrugged. "Now, you're blazing."
From the moment she'd met Lucien he'd radiated danger and lust, but right at that moment, cocooned beneath the warmth of his chest, he gave her the last thing she expected, and it turned out to be the thing she needed most of all. He gave her safe harbour. She felt protected in his arms.
"Yes. Yes, I am. Is this where you tell me you're a crack hot chef?"
Lucien lifted a lazy eyebrow.
"No. This is the point where I offer to serve you sushi off my navel."
“You see?” He gestured to their bodies with his hands.
“Man.” He touched his fingers to his chest and raised his eyebrows.
“Woman.” He brushed his fingertips over the base of her throat.
“Sex is natural.” He trailed one finger down the valley between her breasts to her navel, making her stomach muscles jitter in response. “And fucking beautiful.”
His clear blue eyes held hers. “Now, forget everything else,” he said, “And Get. On. That. Bed.”
"You deserve to be adored, and you deserve to be fucked until you can't stand up."
Sex with Lucien was...immersion. She felt saturated in him, drenched to the skin with lust whenever he touched her.
There was only one thought in his mind as sleep claimed him. He would protect this woman. He wouldn't fail again.
"It's a game."
"A game?"
He nodded. "You'll like it." He lifted her hair so it fell behind her shoulders and kissed her exposed neck. "It's called 'Let's show Sophie how fucking beautiful she is'."
Lucien reminded her how it felt to be adored, and how much she'd missed it.
He sighed and shook his head. "I figured I could screw you happy, I guess."