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Marked - Review

Marked - Aline Hunter



Chloe Bryant has no idea who she truly is. Her mother died when she was a baby and she was raised by her maternal grandparents. All she knows is that her father never took responsibility for her or her dead mother. He does not exist in her world. She finds herself drawn to The Wolf's Den, a tattoo parlor operated by werewolves. Now, Chloe lives in a world where mystical creates are not unknown. Quite the opposite. Humans know about them and fear them. Therefore, the fact that Cloe wanders into an area of town where werewolves have congregated makes her kind of naive, possibly a little crazy. She meets Jackson Donovan at the tattoo shop (he is the owner) and is shocked to discover that this is the man who has been haunting her sexy dreams. It was quite the surprise to discover that this hot male specimen is real.

Jackson knew that his mate would soon appear and find him because he had been dream-sharing with her. What he does not expect is for this beautiful girl to be a Halfling. Jackson wastes no time and stakes his claim. Even though Chloe has no idea who she is, Jackson is willing to discover her past with her and unlock her desires and secrets. If I were Chloe, I really would take no issues with this.

Sexy tattooed werewolf wants to stake a claim in me. YES PLEASE!!!!

Jackson and Chloe's relationship moves forward rather quickly but I can accept this. He is a werewolf. They go by instinct. They are lustful. Very lustful. Jackson has finally found his mate. Why would he wait? I wouldn't want him to be waiting. Nope, not at all. Ok, seriously, my mind needs to get out of the gutter. Darn you Aline Hunter!

I am a fan of Aline Hunter. I love her books. I also love the world she has created in Marked. It is unique in the sense that werewolves, vampires, etc. are known to humans. They may not share living spaces, etc. but their existence is known and all species co-exist, albeit not always peacefully. I also love the wolfie dynamics between the packs that made part of the storyline. I am interested to see where Ms.Hunter will take this series.

My only beef with this book is that I felt it was a little too short. I would have loved more of a story and to get in deeper with Jackson and Chloe. The book felt a little rushed for my tastes; however, I was still engrossed in what we did get. I am thinking that we will get more of Jackson and Chloe in the next book in this series. Even though it will not be focused on them, I think they will be a part of the storyline. That seems to be Ms. Hunter's style.

All in all, I really enjoyed Marked. If you are wanting a great werewolf paranormal, pick this one up. It's one HOT little number!